Thursday, November 18, 2010

Time to dust off the skis

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, snowflakes are appearing in the sky and we're gearing up for a new season here at Nansen Ski Club.
The dinner & dance fundraiser that was held at the VFW in Berlin went so well we plan to make it an annual event. Thanks to Jane Brannen for making it all happen.
Our trail work day was a huge success with 14 enthusiastic volunteers. We got those trails spiffed up and ready to receive some snow. Huge thanks to all who helped.
The ski club would like to welcome Jeff Parker as a volunteer groomer this season. We look forward to seeing you on the trails, Jeff!
Thanks also to Gerry Berthiume for building a storage cabinet for tools and looking after much of our equipment over the season.
On the agenda for this winter:
Moonlit skiing the Saturday nearest each full moon. Check back with our calendar for exact dates.
Nansen is partnering with Gateway to the Great North Woods to hold a community race on January 23. If you'd like to help with this race, or enter yourself or your child into the race, contact Lincoln at There will be lots of vendors and cool prizes and we'll groom a hill for sledding, too.
There are some vacancies on the board of directors. If you are interested in being involved with the decision making of the club, please contact Leane at

We'll have a table at the Berlin Farmers' Harvest Market this Saturday 11/20 on Main St, Berlin. Stop by and see us!
Check out our online store to buy your season membership or order a t-shirt or Nansen hoodie.
Enjoy the holidays & See you on the trails!

Leane Rexford
Club President